Follow me and my family as we travel through various states in our RV. (My master Vel will do the typing)

Friday, July 23, 2010

A little vacation

Hi all...my master felt that she needed a little vacation from writing (like she is soooo busy) but any way, she promised to write today, so here we are.

There has been alot of rain around here, making our walks kind of interesting. Puddles to jump, frogs and toads to chase and lots and lots of bugs. Luxi can't stand any kind of bug, she is such a wuse. I watched her run from one room to the other just because of one little fly! Any way, its suppose to rain again today and be very hot and muggy. I don't like hot and muggy coz my master won't run us with her bike. Sez its bad for us, but I think she just doesn't like it for herself.

There has been a bunch of new dogs here, some for a day and some that have stayed several days. Didn't get pictures of all of them....soooo many. But there is one dog I have to write about, coz it created quite a stir around here.

It involves a Boston Terrier.

Last week, someone called the office (where my masters work) and wanted to know if any one had lost a little dog. It was roaming around their neighborhood and they thought maybe it had run away from the camp sites. No one had reported a lost dog here, so my masters thought the people that called the office would take care of that poor little dog. They did water and feed it, but they didn't bring it in out of the heat, so it ran away........to our RV park. Someone found it and brought to the office. There was a family here that said they'd take it if no one claimed it.

Now, how lucky can you get...that little dog had someone already to take him. Trouble was, he was hurt, couldn't walk very well. But luck continued...that family said that they would take him to the doctor.....and would keep him, requardless of the outcome...WOW....thats a lucky dog.

The family is a military family, heading to their new posting in Virginia. He is in the Coast Guard and they just happened to stay here on their way there. The dog is a Boston Terrier about 1-11/2 years old (what the doc said) and was loaded with fleas. Also, it appeared to have back problems from either getting hit by a car or by someone kicking him. They think someone just dumped him along the side of the road and left him. Anyway...they named him DABNER and he will be a part of the family of five and another dog called TEXAS. I love a goooooood ending..don't you?

Here is picture of Dabner...didn't get one of Texas, but I think he was part bulldog, boxer.

Well, don't you think he is just the cutest thing! This is a picture Dabner looking up at my master with a treat in her hand. She is feeding him my pupperoni! Oh well, guess he deserves alittle treat. I guess I will stop for now, will try and stay up on the writing (or my master will)
Take care, Tuck