Follow me and my family as we travel through various states in our RV. (My master Vel will do the typing)

Friday, April 23, 2010

Update on Jackson

Well, Jackson went to the Doctor and had to give some blood....yeeck. It appears that for the most part, she is okay, just had a little bug. (or big bug...who knows). So, glad that you're okay Jackie, oops Jackson...Now I can continue to woooo you!

I finally got pictures of Lewis and Shadow. I know why they call him Shadow....he is everywhere and nowhere. Behind a tree, up in a tree, walking across the lawn...nothing seems to affect him. I chased him the other day (hee-hee, got loose) and dang, if it didn't faze him. He just jumped up on the front porch and stared down at me.

Lewis ( the gray cat) on the other hand is an old lover. He is an inside cat and I really don't think he likes us visiting, coz he isn't allowed down in the basement when we're here. He isn't as fast as Shadow and may not jump as fast. Rats!

On a lighter side, my master seems to be feeling better. After the welcome wagon we gave her, there should not be any doubt our love for our master! I enclosed a picture of her owie.

So, continue to enjoy the fresh outdoors, the rabbits , birds and all those fuzzy little critters...will chat with ya later...Tuck

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

I'm Back

Hi-My human master had one of her legs fixed last week, so she's been kind of out of it. She promised me that she would write today.....so here I am!

Well, its been kind of different this last week, while we're staying at our friends house. Toby and I got into something that did not set well with our stomachs (sure tasted good). I really think it may have been that carcase the cat Shadow left us . Any way, our other master had to take Toby to the hospital so he could eat something and not let it come back up. Don't know why they get so concerned about a little up-chuck....makes you feel better....especially if you've eaten alot of that good brome grass. Our sister Luxi didn't get sick...she always behaves and doesn't eat what is not good for her. (yeah, right..like she always good)

Today is kind of a concern for us...Jackson, our friend is not feeling well today.. She didn't sleep well and was up most the night with our masters' friends. She is going to the doctor today. She is a very friendly gal and likes to smile alot, especially at me. Her hips hurt her so she doesn't get to run like she use to, but it doesn't seem to slow her down when she wants her biscuit.

Jackson lost her best buddy Tasha, a couple of months ago. So I told Jackson that I would do a special write up on her. She was a German Shepherd and quite the kong player. My master still has to get some pictures of her.

Also in this family, are two cats, Lewis and Shadow. I will try and get some pictures of them too.

I have been enjoying myself here, so much to see and smell. There a lot of little bunnies that are almost as fun to chase as squirrels. Lots of birds at the bird feeder, I get to watch them at the glass door. There are red ones, blue ones and sometimes get to see purple ones.

My master has to stay around the house most of the time coz of her leg, so we get to play ball and get petted alot. The only thing that I don't like is that special metal stick she is hauling around to help her walk.
I will try to give you an update on Jackson...till then, see ya....Tuck

Thursday, April 8, 2010


Well....we are back in Lincoln...yeah!...where my masters stay-there's a great big yard to run in. Sooo much to smell and chase, and don't tell my masters, but rabbit poop is pretty tasty!

We are here for a couple of weeks. My master's friends have a dog named Jackson. She is a Chocolate Lab and very friendly. I've tried to introduce myself to her several times but I don't think she likes the way I do it.

I miss the warm weather of Texas...but not the mosquitoes. Coz of all the trouble they are having with mosquitoes and Heart worm...we had to go to the Vet yesterday for our yearly shots and blood work for heart worm. Dr.Katy told us we are healthy and ready to go....could have told her that.

The picture above is my master worring about me getting sunburned...put her cap on me. Think I'm pretty classy-yes?

I get to run without a leash now...so maybe I'll loose the weight I put on in Texas...sure hope so...

Well, my masters are going to Whole Foods today, so I better finish this off. Will put a picture of Jackson in my next blog...so take care....Tuck