Follow me and my family as we travel through various states in our RV. (My master Vel will do the typing)

Friday, March 26, 2010

Campfires and friends

Well, today we said good-bye to some more friends. It is getting really sad around here.

Lucky and Callie left Wednesday, Brandi left yesterday and today Amber, Chloe and Kirby.

Safe trip to all of you.....hope new smells and new tails will welcome you!!

On another note, we are getting use to sitting around a campfire....still a little leery of the snap and pop...never know when something is going to jump out at you...Toby really likes it and Luxi...well you know how she tolerates new things..but she is getting better.
later in the next week....

I started this several days ago and had to stop for my master got sick...again. I don't know why she doesn't do what I do...eat some grass, works everytime.

So now I am really backed up (hee-hee) in writing to you all. We left Rockport 2 days ago, very sad day for all of us. No more squirrels to chase! No more Gail and Rick to pet us and give us lovin. No more warm , sunny days and warm nights...rats!

My masters hooked up the Rig and took us all for a last lap around the park. There is hardly any of our friends left. Oppie is still here, as is Logan and Darby...but all the others have left for northern parts.

To catch you up, we went to the beach the other day and our masters let us run around a little bit without those dang leashes. I played in the water and chased some birds, while Luxi and Toby just chased birds. There was some of these funny looking things in the sand that my master told me to 'leave it!'...think she called them jelly fish or peanutbutter fish..something.

Ugly things!! And they were alllllll over the place. There was even some called man of war..or something. My master got really nervous over that one..wouldn't even let us sniff it.

We went to the beach with our friends Darby and Logan and their masters...had alot of fun and even got to eat some corn!!!

Boy...do I love corn.

I included a picture of Buddy, whom I met just the day before they left for home...really nice pup.
Well, enough for now...I got to go outside and do my thing before we leave...So, Hi all and see ya later...Tucl

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Not again

I think I'll have my owner try to blog once a week instead of everyday. She's having troubles with her computer and her teeth. We have to stay here a little longer coz her teeth need more fixing. That's okay, I got to meet some more dogs and got to chase some more squirrels.

Here is a picture of Toby and I cornering a squirrel up a tree...poor thing...wish I could climb trees!

Boy, did we get into trouble the other night. One of my masters had baked a chocolate cake and had one piece left. They put it on the table and left to visit friends (Logan and Darby's' masters). Well, you know how us dogs feel about cake.....Toby stretched and took the plate right off the table. He was nice enough to share it with the rest of us! Our masters were worried about the chocolate part, but it was such a small piece for all three of us.

Met a new dog the other day, her name is Amber and she is soooo shy.

On a sad note, its getting that time where most of my friends are leaving the RV park and going home or to other locations. Today, Toby's very dear friend Bitsy is leaving and going back to Iowa. Later this month Brandy will be leaving.

We will be leaving at the end of this month too. Kind of excited to go back up to cold country...except it won't be as cold. We get to visit with Marg's mommy and daddy (I call them grandma and grandpa) , her siblings and their little ones (love kissing them) and with some of our oldest friends .
We are going to stay at our Nebraska friends house for awhile, and I will get to play in a fenced yard....where I can run and run. I really do miss the chance to run.
Well, enough for now.....later....Tuck

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Hi y'all...this has been a very weird and busy time for my master, so she didn't want to write for me. She didn't feel very well for a couple of days coz she had to go get her teeth fixed. She does not like dentists...I think that maybe she should chew on some of our teething toys..or maybe a chew bone or two. Then, her computer got sick and had to go to the hospital for awhile. She just got it back today.

The weather has been warmer, which makes those pesky squirrels come out in groves. They are teasing me and my brother and sister. They sit on the tree branch right out the window and swish their tail! My master isn't happy with them either, coz they are eating her plants.

They are everywhere, chasing each other across the RV roof and around and under everything. My master won't let me chase them!! (not sure what I'd do if I caught them anyway).

My masters have a sick sense of humor. They said that the sweater was for my own good....but I DON'T THINK SO! I cannot move an inch when they put this on me. I think I'd rather be cold.
We went to the beach yesterday and had lots of fun running up and down the shore, chasing sandpipers and seagulls. We got all wet and sandy.
My master bought a kite, the kind that you can make it do
loops and all...except she can't---yet.
Today we just drove around, going to the park and down to the piers. We couldn't go to our favorite park coz they're getting ready to have a festival. Something about oysters or something.
Anyway, I will try to keep up with my blog (I'll keep my masters happy and healthy so they can type)
The last picture is me having a great time with my head out the window. My master will only let me stick my head out when we are going slow.
Will chat with y'all later...Tuck