Follow me and my family as we travel through various states in our RV. (My master Vel will do the typing)

Friday, October 21, 2011

A new passion-water!

Hi y'all....This is me Tucker with my bud Toby checking out the water way under the bridge. I so enjoy walking across this thing, neat little fishes swimming and other goodies lay on either side of the walk way. My master lets me walk across, of course with her hanging on to me for dear life. I've come to enjoy the coolness and cleanliness of the Guadalupe river. My masters go kayaking on it also. I think there are some pics of that in Margs' blog http://margarettavel.blogspot.com/.

We (my masters) decided to stay here at this RV resort a little longer cos of the water and green grass. It is very peaceful here. Except for some very rude dogs that like to bark when we walk past them....every day! Although, I have to admit, the little yellow lab is kind of cute...But she is protected by her bigger boy lab and a funny looking dog called a Chinese crested. Can't tell if its a she or he, but I don't think I really want to find out. It is really crazy here, there are houses up on the hill, and every one of them has dogs in the back yard looking over into the RV resort. Kind of makes me feel safe, cos if something or someone tries to sneak into the campsite, they let us know.

Now let me tell you about the bridge! It was made by people who don't have to walk across that thing bare pawed. I tried, but my masters ended up carrying me and Luxi across. Toby is so big pawed, he had no trouble, but us little ones, WOW! Don't like the bridge, NO HOW!

As you can see...not an easy walk. So I will continue to have my master carry me across, or maybe she'll let walk across the bottom again.

Well, enough for now, more smells and more water to explore...chat with ya later. Tuck

Thursday, October 13, 2011

I'm baaaaaaaack!

Hi all...sorry about the big delay. My masters' computer went on the blink and couldn't take off any pictures for my blog. But now, a new Toshiba, bigger and faster is at my paw tips!!!

We are in Texas, in the panhandle. All I know, the only thing that seems to grow bigger in Texas is those dang stickers. Every where you walk, those stickers get in between the toe pads, stick to your hair and cause general big head (and paw) aches. We stayed in La Mar, Colorado a couple of nights ago..and there was not one blade of grass...any where! Poor Luxi had to pee soooooo bad, and no grass to pee on. She finally gave up and peed on the rocks (like us boys) but I don't think she's forgiven our masters.

We got to where we are now and low and behold.....GRASS! Luxi got out of the pickup and ran to the edge of the lawn and well, you know.

Our masters have taken us everywhere with them, when they go on day trips. Except for the restaurants...bummer. They came back today smelling like baby back ribs and beans. Hummmm, wonder where they went.

I didn't get any pictures of the great dogs we met here at the RV place, but some great stories. One, a 2 year old Jack Russell, a rescue got along really well with Toby and Luxi. He likes to play with the big boys. I on the other hand didn't think he was all that great. We said Hi, and that was about it

The other dog I met was fiiiiiiine. She was a 2-3 year old white boxer and very sweet and gentle. I'm not sure where her owners got her, but also think she was a rescue. Toby really liked playing with her, and Luxi was ho-hum.

I will try and get pictures from now on...so you can check out whats out there. The majority of dogs I've seen have been mixed mutts that were rescued. They come in all sizes and their masters are always talking them up.

I will finish up for now, but promise to write more and post more pics. There is a lot of stuff out there and many fun things to do and smell. Can't believe all the rabbits and squirrels. There are some smells and goo I don't recognize, but sure do love rubbing in it. (to the dismay of my master). I think I'm due for another bath, rats!

See ya later.....Tuck

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

Hi all.....still in Louisiana, in a very nice park. My master likes it alot, coz she goes to this building and plays with some kind of machine. She said sometimes it even gives back some of the paper she puts in it. I think she called it a 'slot machine'.

At our last camp site, I met a bunch of cuties, so my master took pictures this time.

Our neighbor next door had this girl poodle called Lulu, about 1 year old. It is interesting that this dog was named after a restaurant in Alabama that both my masters loved eating at. Lulu's restaurant is named after Jimmy Buffets sister! My masters love Jimmy Buffet

The next little one that we met was truely a little one. It is a yorkie by the name of Jazzy, and she is 71/2 weeks old

She followed her master where ever he walked, kind of funny, like a little shadow. She wanted play with everyones shoelaces.

Well, guess I better stop for now, my masters are holding up my new halter, meaning its time for a walk.
I know this is a short post, just wanted to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving!!!
See ya later....Tuck

Monday, November 22, 2010

Good Morning

Hi all...we are in Louisiana enjoying the great weather and green grass. I have met several other dogs, but my master forgot her camera....so anyway. One was a teacup Yorkie and his master from Wisconsin. They are looking for a new home, coz they use to live in Mexico during the winter, but with all that is happening I guess they'll stay in Texas. Most of all the dogs I've met are smaller than me...what great fun. Oh, I guess there were two that probably could have had me for breakfast, but my master kept me away from them.

If you have not noticed, there are some new things on my blog. Look to the right and you will see some emblems. One is freekibble and the other Animal rescue. My master thought that maybe we could help out with these. You click on one, and it takes you to their site WOW, just like that you help feed my little brothers and sisters. My master has been 'clicking' free kibble and Animal rescue for several years now.

Our friends in Nebraska just got a new dog from the Humane Society by the name of Abby. Here we are looking at a picture of her on my other masters computer.

This is a shot of my little sister jumping for her HotDog, she jumped so high she jumped right out of the picture. As you can see, I don't get that excited for some stupid little piece of meat.

And heeeeeeres ABBY.....ain't she cute. We haven't met her yet, but can't wait...what a looker! Look at those eyes, they tell a story. She was rescued by my masters' friends (the ones who have Jackson) and are giving her a second chance in life.....that is soooooo cool. I think she is 5 months old and of a somewhat mixed breed of yellow lab/golden retriever/hound?

Any way, I will keep you all updated on the trials and tribulations of Abby...Until her owners decide to put up a blog too.

Time to get off and take a walk in this new park....new smells and lots and lots of squirrels!


Saturday, November 13, 2010

I'm Back again..really

Hi all...my master and I have had a sit down talk about her keeping up with our blog. She had her other knee done in September and just didn't feel like writing. Plus, other than Jackson at our place, there really weren't any new dogs to write about.

But we are on the move again, new dogs and cats are all around. My master has promised to keep up with my journeys.

We are in Alabama right now and I haven't seen any dogs here at this RV park. We went driving yesterday to see the sights and found out that Alabama has a NO DOGS ALLOWED policy for their beaches. What a bummer. There is an island that we can go to that dogs are allowed, but its a bit of a drive.

We have been to some great places, with the strangest smells. My master tells me that what I am smelling is animals that aren't around Nebraska....like armadillo and alligator. Jeez, I don't think I'd like to meet them, but they smell good.

The park that were in now has lots of trees around and things flying and jumping. We are going for a walk soon, so maybe I'll investigate. (if my master will let me).

Since its been awhile that I last posted, I catch you up on some neat friends that I came across this last month.

In Louisiana, there was Buddy (a long haired Chihuahua) who liked to eat my masters' pocket treats. He is from Missouri and gets to travel in a motor home. When I first saw him, he was sitting up on the dash, pleased as can be...what a show off!

That's Buddy to the left, cute thing,huh?

Then, while still in Louisiana, my master met some people that had two rat terriers, but we didn't get to meet them. They weren't mean or anything, just shy in meeting new friends.
Rats (hee-hee) may be next time.
Here is a picture of them. Their names are Roscoe and Daisy
and their owners are from Michigan/Minnesota.
They liked the pocket treats too!
Let me explain something. Pocket treats are something my masters carry in their pockets all the time. That is so when they met new dogs, they ask permission to give a treat to the dog and make friends with it.....so tricky! I'd make friends with anyone too, if they had treats!!! Any way, the treats are Pupperoni and we just love em.
While in Mississippi, I met a couple of guys camping right next to us. At first I was scared of them coz they didn't have a house like ours, it flapped and moved with the wind. I think my master called it a 'tent'. Any way, these guys turned out to be really nice and I sort of felt bad that I had growled at them. So my master let me go say HI, all by myself. The one guy just petted me and hugged me for a long time...turns out he had just lost his dog and was feeling really low. I think I made him happy for a little bit, gave him lots and lots of wet kisses!
Well, I think I am done for now...I need to go for a walk...I'm sure I will remember more stuff but I can't hold it much longer..got to find a tree!
See ya....Tuck