Follow me and my family as we travel through various states in our RV. (My master Vel will do the typing)

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Memorial weekend

Yeah!...new dogs have come to town, I mean the campsite. I am soooo excited to smell all those new smells. There are a bunch of people around too, tall and short ones. I'm not so sure the small ones know how to be quiet, We'd get into trouble if we talked as loud as they do. Oh well, they are puppies, er... kids, so they get to get spoiled.

My master went around and took some pictures of the new dogs, I haven't met them yet. But I did want to show you Buddy and Freds "after the hair cut "pictures...they look so good!

These next set of pictures are of the new dogs that I have not met yet, but sure want too. They are super fine looking!

This is Zoie, she is a 8 years old Pap-westie mix and next to her is Mitzey, a 11 year old min-pin...isn't that dress just the greatest! I don't think Mitzey liked getting her picture taken, she stuck her tongue out at my master!

Across from our RV site there are five dogs that I have not met yet, but they sure are a mix of dogs. Most of them are rescues, just like us and they each have a great story to tell, but I won't have time today to tell it all. I will give you the group shots and then, maybe tomorrow, the stories.

So, until later, hope you enjoy your holidays like I am...and remember to remember those who fought for us and paid the ultimate price...men, women and K-9s. Tuck

Saturday, May 22, 2010

New place to stay

Well, Hello...we are at our new site and have been for about a week. Takes time to get all the smells down and see all the new things, like trees and bushes and picknick tables and fence posts and on and on. My master tells me that we will be here for a couple of months, so get use to it. The only thing I don't like right now is the wind, it blows my ears back. Its sort of slow right now in this camp ground, but should get busy later next week or so. Have only met the owners' dogs and a couple of others.

Let me introduce Buddy and Fred. They belong to the RV resort owners and are very friendly. Buddy is the black one and almost looks like me...he is not happy right now coz he is going to get a haircut soon...and he told me that he likes being a free agent and taking 'unsupervised' visits to the neighbors down the road. Fred, on the other hand is just a mellow fellow, likes to watch the world go around. But he doesn't mind joining Buddy on his visits to the neighbors. I will get a updated picture of Buddy post haircut...soon.

The two new friends of mine, one is a poodle named Anna and the Shipoo is named Sally. She is our next door neighbor (the white one). Thats the only problem with being at this camp ground, our neighbors don't stay long like they did in Texas...but on the other hand, will get to meet more new dogs and cats!

So anyway, I have lots of pictures and things to tell you, but not enough time today..just wanted to catch you up on where we are and what is happening. It is sooooo much fun here, so much green grass and NO stickers!!!!!
Until later.....Tuck

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Tribute to Tasha


While we are staying at our friends house here in Lincoln, and Jackson is so kind to share her yard with us, I thought, even though I didn't know Tasha (Jackson's sister) very well, our masters did. She passed away in January and I know Jackson and her masters really miss her, so I wanted to say something about Tasha and show you some pictures.
Tasha was a German Shepherd and a very pretty girl. She loved chasing her Kong toy and keeping it away from Jackson.
She wasn't very happy with us small dogs coz one attacked her when she was small and she never got over that...but she loved everyone else. She would greet her humans with a full body slam, just wanting to be petted. Her tail always seemed to wagging and always seemed to be smiling. I wish I had gotten to know her better, but such is life. The last couple of years caught up with Tasha and she wasn't able to play with her kong as much as she wanted...I would hate not being able to play.

So, I know Tasha was loved and is greatly missed. But I also know that she is in a good place now where she can run and not feel pain...so Tasha, I will probably see you sometime in the future and maybe we can be friends then.

A visit

We just got back from visiting my other master Marg's parents house. Stayed there for about a week and got to play with Zach and Zoe who were visiting too.( My master Marg's nephew and neice). We like going to Bob and Dorothy coz there is a lot of room to run and play. We get to watch out this big picture window people walking and running around a track.

And sometimes, Dorothy will give us extra little treats like cherrios at breakfast time.....yummm!

I think Dorothy likes us coming to visit...she pets us all the time and throws the ball for me!!

Here are a couple of pictures of me, Toby, Luxi and Zach.

Anyway, we got to play and play and just have fun running around. Even shy little Luxi got into it. It was great to see them all.

We are back in Lincoln now, getting ready to head back up North so my masters can go back to work..hee-hee.
Catch ya later.....Tuck