Follow me and my family as we travel through various states in our RV. (My master Vel will do the typing)

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Tribute to Tasha


While we are staying at our friends house here in Lincoln, and Jackson is so kind to share her yard with us, I thought, even though I didn't know Tasha (Jackson's sister) very well, our masters did. She passed away in January and I know Jackson and her masters really miss her, so I wanted to say something about Tasha and show you some pictures.
Tasha was a German Shepherd and a very pretty girl. She loved chasing her Kong toy and keeping it away from Jackson.
She wasn't very happy with us small dogs coz one attacked her when she was small and she never got over that...but she loved everyone else. She would greet her humans with a full body slam, just wanting to be petted. Her tail always seemed to wagging and always seemed to be smiling. I wish I had gotten to know her better, but such is life. The last couple of years caught up with Tasha and she wasn't able to play with her kong as much as she wanted...I would hate not being able to play.

So, I know Tasha was loved and is greatly missed. But I also know that she is in a good place now where she can run and not feel pain...so Tasha, I will probably see you sometime in the future and maybe we can be friends then.

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