Follow me and my family as we travel through various states in our RV. (My master Vel will do the typing)

Monday, February 22, 2010

Oh my tummy

My master wasn't feeling too well yesterday, so we didn't do too much except for short walks with my other master. I got a little bored last night and got into some trouble. My masters usually remember to hang up their jeans when they change clothes, but one of them forgot and I found the jeans on the floor. I was rewarded with some tasty treats in the pockets! The only problem, had to chew through the pocket, so I got treats and some cloth. It sort of upset my tummy this morning. My masters were not too happy with me. Hopefully, today will be a better day for some long walks and maybe some visits with friends.

I will try and write some more later today..especially if we do something fun.


Friday, February 19, 2010


Well, it 's raining again. That means my master won't be taking us out for a long walk, like yesterday. It was great yesterday. I walked with Bevo around the park and stopped to chat with some of my friends. I introduced Bevo, since she doesn't get out too much to walk. My brother went out with Bevo too..I think my master walked along time yesterday. Earlier in the day, on our morning walk, a bunch of us stopped to talk...right there in the road. There were about 5 of us just standing around checking each other out...if you get my meaning. Lots of stories were told.

Pulled a trick on my master the other day, but I don't think she was none too pleased. While out to do my duty, knowing that my master would have to pick up after me, I found this great big prickly weed that I just stepped over and squatted. The look on my masters' face was worth the scolding I got.

One of my masters' friends asked why only I had a blog and not my sister and brother too....well, Luxi is too much the princess and Toby only cares about food. (especially since he's been on a diet, which is coming along very well.)

I realized that I had not shown a picture of Darby and Logan, so I included them in today's post.

There are a couple of other neighbors that I have not posted yet...Scooter, Sam, Maddie and some others, so maybe I'll try and get pics today.

Well, I guess I'll have to trudge into the wet, muddy abyss today, if I want to get my job done...maybe I can find another prickly bush? Chat with y'all later..Tuck

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Well, I guess I have found my downfall in life. I never would have thought it, but yesterday I found out that I can't stand piers and wharfs. My masters took us to a park yesterday to do some running, this is after watching a fat Tuesday parade. While walking around, my master took me up some stairs and bam, there was the water...all around. I crouched down, coz I though I might fall into the water, and wouldn't take another step. My master pulled on my leash, but noooooooo way was I going to walk on that pier any more. My master had to pick me up and carry me off the pier. After that, I was fine...we even stayed late to watch a big boat go past us in the channel.

Day before, went walking around our resort and stopped to chat with some more friends. My master enjoys talking to people about books, kayaking and birding. I much rather sniff the ground and find out what type of animal crossed someones' lawn lately. Or even better, chase a squirrel up trees.

My master took some pics the other day of our next door neighbors and of Bevo, the spaniel across the way. The next door neighbor is a 9-10 month old Labradoodle, who has springs in her legs and loves to jump up to give you kisses. Her name is Brandi and she is one live wire.

The other picture is of Bevo, a nine year old spaniel. She is so gentle and quiet, never sure she is there unless her masters go away to work, then she will sit at the window and 'Sing'. My master goes over there sometimes to let her out to go to the bathroom and just to say Hi.

Will chat with y'all later....Tuck

Monday, February 15, 2010

Visiting friends

I took walks with my master yesterday and visited some friends from down the way. Other than that, I didn't go any where or do anything coz my masters thought they should do something without us. So they gave us some treats and put us in our little 'condos' for the afternoon.

While out walking, got to see Muttso (real name Bitsy) the Pug. I think she is really cute. We get along real well and like to chat. She reminds me of that dog in the movie 'Men in black'. My master and her master also chatted, something about sea shells or whatever. Coming back from that morning walk, we also stopped and chatted with our Canadian friends, Lucky and Callie. I always thought that Callie was a Pomeranian, but found out she is a MI'KI (sounds like MeeKee).
Lucky is a black mix (I think Cockerspaniel and poodle). They are very friendly and lively.

Didn't get to meet any neighbors in the afternoon, my master didn't want to "dilly-dally" coz the mosquitoes were really bad and she wanted to get back inside.

Boy, the wind came up last night and scared us. We all started howling and our masters had to calm us down. Sure didn't like that wind and rain. The picures are of our friends we saw yesterday. See ya later...Tuck

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Good Day

Today was a good day...my masters took us for a ride along the water and let us run in the park. We saw a bunch of other dogs walking with their masters and one black cat...that had to be shooed away with a honk of the horn..goes to prove that cats are dumb...walking on the road without their masters!

The roads are still abit muddy, but I didn't have to get a shower this time.

We went for a car ride to Lamar, where there was a carnival going on. We watched a bunch of humans walking around with these pretty necklaces on. I saw a couple of dogs and barked HI. On we went to drive along the water. There we saw a bunch of different kinds of birds. Not sure why, but my masters got really excited seeing these white birds. They look like big sea gulls to me.

We followed this pretty little collie walking on the road for awhile in the car. Her master didn't want to get off the road for us, so my master had to drive around her. Pretty cute collie!!
We got home, went for another walk around the resort then got our supper..goodie night!!
All that fresh air was great, our masters let us stick our heads out the window when they were driving slow..wish they would drive slow all the time! The pictures are of me and my brother and sister in Lamar
My masters are getting treats out for us now, called footballs. They put biscuits and soft treats in them to keep us busy chewing....most favorite time of the day!!!! See ya tomorrow!

Friday, February 12, 2010


For me and my brother and sister, rain is the worst thing that could happen. All day yesterday it rained. I tried to go out several times, just to relieve my bladder and that's when the wind would blow rain at my rear end. No one was out yesterday, except Sam and then just for a short walk. His master was all bundled up in rain gear, but Sam just was Sam. None of my neighbors were out.. the two Golden Retrievers, Darby and Logan that live across the street stayed inside, so did Bevo, the setter mix. Bad weather puts my masters in a blue mood, can't go any where. The trouble with going outside in this weather is what they have to do to us when we get back inside. Yesterday, I finally said 'lets go' and we walked around the park. Saw a few squirrels! When we got back, my master threw me in the shower. Guess the road mud sort of stuck to me. Luxi and Toby wouldn't walk on the road....guess they didn't want a shower too!

Last night my masters played keep away with Toby, Luxi and me. They would throw a ball or stuffed animal back and forth, making us run after it...great fun. Then we had supper, it was 'goody' night. That's when they put yummy canned food with our dry food as a treat.

Today we all went to the big park to run and get some exercise....yes! My master took her bike so we could run like the wind...but it was awfully cold. We didn't stay that long. Hopefully the weather will get warm again so we can run on the beach like last week. See ya later...Tuck

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Last night, while my masters were watching TV, the strangest noises...Cats were screaming at each other outside our home. I'm not sure who they belonged to, but they were loud. (scared me) Toby and Luxi started yelling back, so I joined in too. Don't think our masters were happy with us.
I am getting tired of this cold weather. My master throws the ball for me for exercise, but lets face it, chasing a ball twenty feet is not cutting it. Just too cold to play outside. Chatted with Sam (the poodle) last night and with this cute little pom..she'd just gotten a hair cut. Forgot to ask her what her name was..will ask next time.
The last couple of days here has been crazy, we all got baths, pedicures and I got my hair cut. It was okay, just don't like scissors around some areas.

Just got back from our ride, I met a little 6 year old shitzu named Maddie. She likes people more than other dogs, just like me. But we got along just fine.

Guess what else...we saw some Texas chickens, don't know what they are really called, but my master wouldn't let me chase them.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

First Day

Let me give you a little history.

My masters call me Tucker or Tuck. I was found in Lincoln, Nebraska and am 5 years old. I am very cute and very smart! My brother Toby was also found in Lincoln , at the Humane Society. My masters asked him to come join our family and he did. He is somewhere between 7-8 years old now and very ugly...he has big feet! Alright, he's not ugly but he does have big feet. Luxi, my sister, came to us from Biloxi, Mississippi. She is considered a 'rescue', but from what I can tell, we need to be rescued from her...she is 4 years old and very spoiled!

We are in Texas right now, just outside of Corpus Christi. The park we are in now is not too bad, it has grass and trees. That is NOT the norm. Most places we go to in Texas are filled with sand and stickers. I hate stickers. Toby, with his big feet gets most of them, so I walk behind him...hee-hee.
There are alot of dogs in this park and maybe 3 cats. I get along with most of the other dogs, especially that white poodle- Sam. How he stays so clean is beyond me.
Toby and I get our exercise by running along side our master on her bicycle. She taught us to turn left and right with verbal signals so we wouldn't run in front of her. Trouble is, there is no signal for Squirrels and I love to chase squirrels. Luxi is still learning. I think she'd rather be carried.
Its almost time for my run, so will sign off for now