Follow me and my family as we travel through various states in our RV. (My master Vel will do the typing)

Friday, February 12, 2010


For me and my brother and sister, rain is the worst thing that could happen. All day yesterday it rained. I tried to go out several times, just to relieve my bladder and that's when the wind would blow rain at my rear end. No one was out yesterday, except Sam and then just for a short walk. His master was all bundled up in rain gear, but Sam just was Sam. None of my neighbors were out.. the two Golden Retrievers, Darby and Logan that live across the street stayed inside, so did Bevo, the setter mix. Bad weather puts my masters in a blue mood, can't go any where. The trouble with going outside in this weather is what they have to do to us when we get back inside. Yesterday, I finally said 'lets go' and we walked around the park. Saw a few squirrels! When we got back, my master threw me in the shower. Guess the road mud sort of stuck to me. Luxi and Toby wouldn't walk on the road....guess they didn't want a shower too!

Last night my masters played keep away with Toby, Luxi and me. They would throw a ball or stuffed animal back and forth, making us run after it...great fun. Then we had supper, it was 'goody' night. That's when they put yummy canned food with our dry food as a treat.

Today we all went to the big park to run and get some exercise....yes! My master took her bike so we could run like the wind...but it was awfully cold. We didn't stay that long. Hopefully the weather will get warm again so we can run on the beach like last week. See ya later...Tuck

1 comment:

  1. I am not sure what all the commotion is...I would give my right paw for a little rain instead of ice. My backyard is a frozen tundra and it is difficult to sniff out a good place to poop. I can't wait for warmer weather, I am experiencing some mid winter doggy depression!

    Scout Preston
