Follow me and my family as we travel through various states in our RV. (My master Vel will do the typing)

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Well, I guess I have found my downfall in life. I never would have thought it, but yesterday I found out that I can't stand piers and wharfs. My masters took us to a park yesterday to do some running, this is after watching a fat Tuesday parade. While walking around, my master took me up some stairs and bam, there was the water...all around. I crouched down, coz I though I might fall into the water, and wouldn't take another step. My master pulled on my leash, but noooooooo way was I going to walk on that pier any more. My master had to pick me up and carry me off the pier. After that, I was fine...we even stayed late to watch a big boat go past us in the channel.

Day before, went walking around our resort and stopped to chat with some more friends. My master enjoys talking to people about books, kayaking and birding. I much rather sniff the ground and find out what type of animal crossed someones' lawn lately. Or even better, chase a squirrel up trees.

My master took some pics the other day of our next door neighbors and of Bevo, the spaniel across the way. The next door neighbor is a 9-10 month old Labradoodle, who has springs in her legs and loves to jump up to give you kisses. Her name is Brandi and she is one live wire.

The other picture is of Bevo, a nine year old spaniel. She is so gentle and quiet, never sure she is there unless her masters go away to work, then she will sit at the window and 'Sing'. My master goes over there sometimes to let her out to go to the bathroom and just to say Hi.

Will chat with y'all later....Tuck

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