Follow me and my family as we travel through various states in our RV. (My master Vel will do the typing)

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Good Day

Today was a good day...my masters took us for a ride along the water and let us run in the park. We saw a bunch of other dogs walking with their masters and one black cat...that had to be shooed away with a honk of the horn..goes to prove that cats are dumb...walking on the road without their masters!

The roads are still abit muddy, but I didn't have to get a shower this time.

We went for a car ride to Lamar, where there was a carnival going on. We watched a bunch of humans walking around with these pretty necklaces on. I saw a couple of dogs and barked HI. On we went to drive along the water. There we saw a bunch of different kinds of birds. Not sure why, but my masters got really excited seeing these white birds. They look like big sea gulls to me.

We followed this pretty little collie walking on the road for awhile in the car. Her master didn't want to get off the road for us, so my master had to drive around her. Pretty cute collie!!
We got home, went for another walk around the resort then got our supper..goodie night!!
All that fresh air was great, our masters let us stick our heads out the window when they were driving slow..wish they would drive slow all the time! The pictures are of me and my brother and sister in Lamar
My masters are getting treats out for us now, called footballs. They put biscuits and soft treats in them to keep us busy chewing....most favorite time of the day!!!! See ya tomorrow!

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