Follow me and my family as we travel through various states in our RV. (My master Vel will do the typing)

Friday, February 19, 2010


Well, it 's raining again. That means my master won't be taking us out for a long walk, like yesterday. It was great yesterday. I walked with Bevo around the park and stopped to chat with some of my friends. I introduced Bevo, since she doesn't get out too much to walk. My brother went out with Bevo too..I think my master walked along time yesterday. Earlier in the day, on our morning walk, a bunch of us stopped to talk...right there in the road. There were about 5 of us just standing around checking each other out...if you get my meaning. Lots of stories were told.

Pulled a trick on my master the other day, but I don't think she was none too pleased. While out to do my duty, knowing that my master would have to pick up after me, I found this great big prickly weed that I just stepped over and squatted. The look on my masters' face was worth the scolding I got.

One of my masters' friends asked why only I had a blog and not my sister and brother too....well, Luxi is too much the princess and Toby only cares about food. (especially since he's been on a diet, which is coming along very well.)

I realized that I had not shown a picture of Darby and Logan, so I included them in today's post.

There are a couple of other neighbors that I have not posted yet...Scooter, Sam, Maddie and some others, so maybe I'll try and get pics today.

Well, I guess I'll have to trudge into the wet, muddy abyss today, if I want to get my job done...maybe I can find another prickly bush? Chat with y'all later..Tuck

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