Follow me and my family as we travel through various states in our RV. (My master Vel will do the typing)

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

First Day

Let me give you a little history.

My masters call me Tucker or Tuck. I was found in Lincoln, Nebraska and am 5 years old. I am very cute and very smart! My brother Toby was also found in Lincoln , at the Humane Society. My masters asked him to come join our family and he did. He is somewhere between 7-8 years old now and very ugly...he has big feet! Alright, he's not ugly but he does have big feet. Luxi, my sister, came to us from Biloxi, Mississippi. She is considered a 'rescue', but from what I can tell, we need to be rescued from her...she is 4 years old and very spoiled!

We are in Texas right now, just outside of Corpus Christi. The park we are in now is not too bad, it has grass and trees. That is NOT the norm. Most places we go to in Texas are filled with sand and stickers. I hate stickers. Toby, with his big feet gets most of them, so I walk behind him...hee-hee.
There are alot of dogs in this park and maybe 3 cats. I get along with most of the other dogs, especially that white poodle- Sam. How he stays so clean is beyond me.
Toby and I get our exercise by running along side our master on her bicycle. She taught us to turn left and right with verbal signals so we wouldn't run in front of her. Trouble is, there is no signal for Squirrels and I love to chase squirrels. Luxi is still learning. I think she'd rather be carried.
Its almost time for my run, so will sign off for now

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