Follow me and my family as we travel through various states in our RV. (My master Vel will do the typing)

Monday, February 15, 2010

Visiting friends

I took walks with my master yesterday and visited some friends from down the way. Other than that, I didn't go any where or do anything coz my masters thought they should do something without us. So they gave us some treats and put us in our little 'condos' for the afternoon.

While out walking, got to see Muttso (real name Bitsy) the Pug. I think she is really cute. We get along real well and like to chat. She reminds me of that dog in the movie 'Men in black'. My master and her master also chatted, something about sea shells or whatever. Coming back from that morning walk, we also stopped and chatted with our Canadian friends, Lucky and Callie. I always thought that Callie was a Pomeranian, but found out she is a MI'KI (sounds like MeeKee).
Lucky is a black mix (I think Cockerspaniel and poodle). They are very friendly and lively.

Didn't get to meet any neighbors in the afternoon, my master didn't want to "dilly-dally" coz the mosquitoes were really bad and she wanted to get back inside.

Boy, the wind came up last night and scared us. We all started howling and our masters had to calm us down. Sure didn't like that wind and rain. The picures are of our friends we saw yesterday. See ya later...Tuck

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