Follow me and my family as we travel through various states in our RV. (My master Vel will do the typing)

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

Hi all.....still in Louisiana, in a very nice park. My master likes it alot, coz she goes to this building and plays with some kind of machine. She said sometimes it even gives back some of the paper she puts in it. I think she called it a 'slot machine'.

At our last camp site, I met a bunch of cuties, so my master took pictures this time.

Our neighbor next door had this girl poodle called Lulu, about 1 year old. It is interesting that this dog was named after a restaurant in Alabama that both my masters loved eating at. Lulu's restaurant is named after Jimmy Buffets sister! My masters love Jimmy Buffet

The next little one that we met was truely a little one. It is a yorkie by the name of Jazzy, and she is 71/2 weeks old

She followed her master where ever he walked, kind of funny, like a little shadow. She wanted play with everyones shoelaces.

Well, guess I better stop for now, my masters are holding up my new halter, meaning its time for a walk.
I know this is a short post, just wanted to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving!!!
See ya later....Tuck

Monday, November 22, 2010

Good Morning

Hi all...we are in Louisiana enjoying the great weather and green grass. I have met several other dogs, but my master forgot her camera....so anyway. One was a teacup Yorkie and his master from Wisconsin. They are looking for a new home, coz they use to live in Mexico during the winter, but with all that is happening I guess they'll stay in Texas. Most of all the dogs I've met are smaller than me...what great fun. Oh, I guess there were two that probably could have had me for breakfast, but my master kept me away from them.

If you have not noticed, there are some new things on my blog. Look to the right and you will see some emblems. One is freekibble and the other Animal rescue. My master thought that maybe we could help out with these. You click on one, and it takes you to their site WOW, just like that you help feed my little brothers and sisters. My master has been 'clicking' free kibble and Animal rescue for several years now.

Our friends in Nebraska just got a new dog from the Humane Society by the name of Abby. Here we are looking at a picture of her on my other masters computer.

This is a shot of my little sister jumping for her HotDog, she jumped so high she jumped right out of the picture. As you can see, I don't get that excited for some stupid little piece of meat.

And heeeeeeres ABBY.....ain't she cute. We haven't met her yet, but can't wait...what a looker! Look at those eyes, they tell a story. She was rescued by my masters' friends (the ones who have Jackson) and are giving her a second chance in life.....that is soooooo cool. I think she is 5 months old and of a somewhat mixed breed of yellow lab/golden retriever/hound?

Any way, I will keep you all updated on the trials and tribulations of Abby...Until her owners decide to put up a blog too.

Time to get off and take a walk in this new park....new smells and lots and lots of squirrels!


Saturday, November 13, 2010

I'm Back again..really

Hi all...my master and I have had a sit down talk about her keeping up with our blog. She had her other knee done in September and just didn't feel like writing. Plus, other than Jackson at our place, there really weren't any new dogs to write about.

But we are on the move again, new dogs and cats are all around. My master has promised to keep up with my journeys.

We are in Alabama right now and I haven't seen any dogs here at this RV park. We went driving yesterday to see the sights and found out that Alabama has a NO DOGS ALLOWED policy for their beaches. What a bummer. There is an island that we can go to that dogs are allowed, but its a bit of a drive.

We have been to some great places, with the strangest smells. My master tells me that what I am smelling is animals that aren't around Nebraska....like armadillo and alligator. Jeez, I don't think I'd like to meet them, but they smell good.

The park that were in now has lots of trees around and things flying and jumping. We are going for a walk soon, so maybe I'll investigate. (if my master will let me).

Since its been awhile that I last posted, I catch you up on some neat friends that I came across this last month.

In Louisiana, there was Buddy (a long haired Chihuahua) who liked to eat my masters' pocket treats. He is from Missouri and gets to travel in a motor home. When I first saw him, he was sitting up on the dash, pleased as can be...what a show off!

That's Buddy to the left, cute thing,huh?

Then, while still in Louisiana, my master met some people that had two rat terriers, but we didn't get to meet them. They weren't mean or anything, just shy in meeting new friends.
Rats (hee-hee) may be next time.
Here is a picture of them. Their names are Roscoe and Daisy
and their owners are from Michigan/Minnesota.
They liked the pocket treats too!
Let me explain something. Pocket treats are something my masters carry in their pockets all the time. That is so when they met new dogs, they ask permission to give a treat to the dog and make friends with it.....so tricky! I'd make friends with anyone too, if they had treats!!! Any way, the treats are Pupperoni and we just love em.
While in Mississippi, I met a couple of guys camping right next to us. At first I was scared of them coz they didn't have a house like ours, it flapped and moved with the wind. I think my master called it a 'tent'. Any way, these guys turned out to be really nice and I sort of felt bad that I had growled at them. So my master let me go say HI, all by myself. The one guy just petted me and hugged me for a long time...turns out he had just lost his dog and was feeling really low. I think I made him happy for a little bit, gave him lots and lots of wet kisses!
Well, I think I am done for now...I need to go for a walk...I'm sure I will remember more stuff but I can't hold it much longer..got to find a tree!
See ya....Tuck

Friday, July 23, 2010

A little vacation

Hi all...my master felt that she needed a little vacation from writing (like she is soooo busy) but any way, she promised to write today, so here we are.

There has been alot of rain around here, making our walks kind of interesting. Puddles to jump, frogs and toads to chase and lots and lots of bugs. Luxi can't stand any kind of bug, she is such a wuse. I watched her run from one room to the other just because of one little fly! Any way, its suppose to rain again today and be very hot and muggy. I don't like hot and muggy coz my master won't run us with her bike. Sez its bad for us, but I think she just doesn't like it for herself.

There has been a bunch of new dogs here, some for a day and some that have stayed several days. Didn't get pictures of all of them....soooo many. But there is one dog I have to write about, coz it created quite a stir around here.

It involves a Boston Terrier.

Last week, someone called the office (where my masters work) and wanted to know if any one had lost a little dog. It was roaming around their neighborhood and they thought maybe it had run away from the camp sites. No one had reported a lost dog here, so my masters thought the people that called the office would take care of that poor little dog. They did water and feed it, but they didn't bring it in out of the heat, so it ran away........to our RV park. Someone found it and brought to the office. There was a family here that said they'd take it if no one claimed it.

Now, how lucky can you get...that little dog had someone already to take him. Trouble was, he was hurt, couldn't walk very well. But luck continued...that family said that they would take him to the doctor.....and would keep him, requardless of the outcome...WOW....thats a lucky dog.

The family is a military family, heading to their new posting in Virginia. He is in the Coast Guard and they just happened to stay here on their way there. The dog is a Boston Terrier about 1-11/2 years old (what the doc said) and was loaded with fleas. Also, it appeared to have back problems from either getting hit by a car or by someone kicking him. They think someone just dumped him along the side of the road and left him. Anyway...they named him DABNER and he will be a part of the family of five and another dog called TEXAS. I love a goooooood ending..don't you?

Here is picture of Dabner...didn't get one of Texas, but I think he was part bulldog, boxer.

Well, don't you think he is just the cutest thing! This is a picture Dabner looking up at my master with a treat in her hand. She is feeding him my pupperoni! Oh well, guess he deserves alittle treat. I guess I will stop for now, will try and stay up on the writing (or my master will)
Take care, Tuck

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Memorial weekend

Yeah!...new dogs have come to town, I mean the campsite. I am soooo excited to smell all those new smells. There are a bunch of people around too, tall and short ones. I'm not so sure the small ones know how to be quiet, We'd get into trouble if we talked as loud as they do. Oh well, they are puppies, er... kids, so they get to get spoiled.

My master went around and took some pictures of the new dogs, I haven't met them yet. But I did want to show you Buddy and Freds "after the hair cut "pictures...they look so good!

These next set of pictures are of the new dogs that I have not met yet, but sure want too. They are super fine looking!

This is Zoie, she is a 8 years old Pap-westie mix and next to her is Mitzey, a 11 year old min-pin...isn't that dress just the greatest! I don't think Mitzey liked getting her picture taken, she stuck her tongue out at my master!

Across from our RV site there are five dogs that I have not met yet, but they sure are a mix of dogs. Most of them are rescues, just like us and they each have a great story to tell, but I won't have time today to tell it all. I will give you the group shots and then, maybe tomorrow, the stories.

So, until later, hope you enjoy your holidays like I am...and remember to remember those who fought for us and paid the ultimate price...men, women and K-9s. Tuck

Saturday, May 22, 2010

New place to stay

Well, Hello...we are at our new site and have been for about a week. Takes time to get all the smells down and see all the new things, like trees and bushes and picknick tables and fence posts and on and on. My master tells me that we will be here for a couple of months, so get use to it. The only thing I don't like right now is the wind, it blows my ears back. Its sort of slow right now in this camp ground, but should get busy later next week or so. Have only met the owners' dogs and a couple of others.

Let me introduce Buddy and Fred. They belong to the RV resort owners and are very friendly. Buddy is the black one and almost looks like me...he is not happy right now coz he is going to get a haircut soon...and he told me that he likes being a free agent and taking 'unsupervised' visits to the neighbors down the road. Fred, on the other hand is just a mellow fellow, likes to watch the world go around. But he doesn't mind joining Buddy on his visits to the neighbors. I will get a updated picture of Buddy post haircut...soon.

The two new friends of mine, one is a poodle named Anna and the Shipoo is named Sally. She is our next door neighbor (the white one). Thats the only problem with being at this camp ground, our neighbors don't stay long like they did in Texas...but on the other hand, will get to meet more new dogs and cats!

So anyway, I have lots of pictures and things to tell you, but not enough time today..just wanted to catch you up on where we are and what is happening. It is sooooo much fun here, so much green grass and NO stickers!!!!!
Until later.....Tuck

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Tribute to Tasha


While we are staying at our friends house here in Lincoln, and Jackson is so kind to share her yard with us, I thought, even though I didn't know Tasha (Jackson's sister) very well, our masters did. She passed away in January and I know Jackson and her masters really miss her, so I wanted to say something about Tasha and show you some pictures.
Tasha was a German Shepherd and a very pretty girl. She loved chasing her Kong toy and keeping it away from Jackson.
She wasn't very happy with us small dogs coz one attacked her when she was small and she never got over that...but she loved everyone else. She would greet her humans with a full body slam, just wanting to be petted. Her tail always seemed to wagging and always seemed to be smiling. I wish I had gotten to know her better, but such is life. The last couple of years caught up with Tasha and she wasn't able to play with her kong as much as she wanted...I would hate not being able to play.

So, I know Tasha was loved and is greatly missed. But I also know that she is in a good place now where she can run and not feel pain...so Tasha, I will probably see you sometime in the future and maybe we can be friends then.

A visit

We just got back from visiting my other master Marg's parents house. Stayed there for about a week and got to play with Zach and Zoe who were visiting too.( My master Marg's nephew and neice). We like going to Bob and Dorothy coz there is a lot of room to run and play. We get to watch out this big picture window people walking and running around a track.

And sometimes, Dorothy will give us extra little treats like cherrios at breakfast time.....yummm!

I think Dorothy likes us coming to visit...she pets us all the time and throws the ball for me!!

Here are a couple of pictures of me, Toby, Luxi and Zach.

Anyway, we got to play and play and just have fun running around. Even shy little Luxi got into it. It was great to see them all.

We are back in Lincoln now, getting ready to head back up North so my masters can go back to work..hee-hee.
Catch ya later.....Tuck

Friday, April 23, 2010

Update on Jackson

Well, Jackson went to the Doctor and had to give some blood....yeeck. It appears that for the most part, she is okay, just had a little bug. (or big bug...who knows). So, glad that you're okay Jackie, oops Jackson...Now I can continue to woooo you!

I finally got pictures of Lewis and Shadow. I know why they call him Shadow....he is everywhere and nowhere. Behind a tree, up in a tree, walking across the lawn...nothing seems to affect him. I chased him the other day (hee-hee, got loose) and dang, if it didn't faze him. He just jumped up on the front porch and stared down at me.

Lewis ( the gray cat) on the other hand is an old lover. He is an inside cat and I really don't think he likes us visiting, coz he isn't allowed down in the basement when we're here. He isn't as fast as Shadow and may not jump as fast. Rats!

On a lighter side, my master seems to be feeling better. After the welcome wagon we gave her, there should not be any doubt our love for our master! I enclosed a picture of her owie.

So, continue to enjoy the fresh outdoors, the rabbits , birds and all those fuzzy little critters...will chat with ya later...Tuck

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

I'm Back

Hi-My human master had one of her legs fixed last week, so she's been kind of out of it. She promised me that she would write today.....so here I am!

Well, its been kind of different this last week, while we're staying at our friends house. Toby and I got into something that did not set well with our stomachs (sure tasted good). I really think it may have been that carcase the cat Shadow left us . Any way, our other master had to take Toby to the hospital so he could eat something and not let it come back up. Don't know why they get so concerned about a little up-chuck....makes you feel better....especially if you've eaten alot of that good brome grass. Our sister Luxi didn't get sick...she always behaves and doesn't eat what is not good for her. (yeah, right..like she always good)

Today is kind of a concern for us...Jackson, our friend is not feeling well today.. She didn't sleep well and was up most the night with our masters' friends. She is going to the doctor today. She is a very friendly gal and likes to smile alot, especially at me. Her hips hurt her so she doesn't get to run like she use to, but it doesn't seem to slow her down when she wants her biscuit.

Jackson lost her best buddy Tasha, a couple of months ago. So I told Jackson that I would do a special write up on her. She was a German Shepherd and quite the kong player. My master still has to get some pictures of her.

Also in this family, are two cats, Lewis and Shadow. I will try and get some pictures of them too.

I have been enjoying myself here, so much to see and smell. There a lot of little bunnies that are almost as fun to chase as squirrels. Lots of birds at the bird feeder, I get to watch them at the glass door. There are red ones, blue ones and sometimes get to see purple ones.

My master has to stay around the house most of the time coz of her leg, so we get to play ball and get petted alot. The only thing that I don't like is that special metal stick she is hauling around to help her walk.
I will try to give you an update on Jackson...till then, see ya....Tuck

Thursday, April 8, 2010


Well....we are back in Lincoln...yeah!...where my masters stay-there's a great big yard to run in. Sooo much to smell and chase, and don't tell my masters, but rabbit poop is pretty tasty!

We are here for a couple of weeks. My master's friends have a dog named Jackson. She is a Chocolate Lab and very friendly. I've tried to introduce myself to her several times but I don't think she likes the way I do it.

I miss the warm weather of Texas...but not the mosquitoes. Coz of all the trouble they are having with mosquitoes and Heart worm...we had to go to the Vet yesterday for our yearly shots and blood work for heart worm. Dr.Katy told us we are healthy and ready to go....could have told her that.

The picture above is my master worring about me getting sunburned...put her cap on me. Think I'm pretty classy-yes?

I get to run without a leash now...so maybe I'll loose the weight I put on in Texas...sure hope so...

Well, my masters are going to Whole Foods today, so I better finish this off. Will put a picture of Jackson in my next blog...so take care....Tuck

Friday, March 26, 2010

Campfires and friends

Well, today we said good-bye to some more friends. It is getting really sad around here.

Lucky and Callie left Wednesday, Brandi left yesterday and today Amber, Chloe and Kirby.

Safe trip to all of you.....hope new smells and new tails will welcome you!!

On another note, we are getting use to sitting around a campfire....still a little leery of the snap and pop...never know when something is going to jump out at you...Toby really likes it and Luxi...well you know how she tolerates new things..but she is getting better.
later in the next week....

I started this several days ago and had to stop for my master got sick...again. I don't know why she doesn't do what I do...eat some grass, works everytime.

So now I am really backed up (hee-hee) in writing to you all. We left Rockport 2 days ago, very sad day for all of us. No more squirrels to chase! No more Gail and Rick to pet us and give us lovin. No more warm , sunny days and warm nights...rats!

My masters hooked up the Rig and took us all for a last lap around the park. There is hardly any of our friends left. Oppie is still here, as is Logan and Darby...but all the others have left for northern parts.

To catch you up, we went to the beach the other day and our masters let us run around a little bit without those dang leashes. I played in the water and chased some birds, while Luxi and Toby just chased birds. There was some of these funny looking things in the sand that my master told me to 'leave it!'...think she called them jelly fish or peanutbutter fish..something.

Ugly things!! And they were alllllll over the place. There was even some called man of war..or something. My master got really nervous over that one..wouldn't even let us sniff it.

We went to the beach with our friends Darby and Logan and their masters...had alot of fun and even got to eat some corn!!!

Boy...do I love corn.

I included a picture of Buddy, whom I met just the day before they left for home...really nice pup.
Well, enough for now...I got to go outside and do my thing before we leave...So, Hi all and see ya later...Tucl

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Not again

I think I'll have my owner try to blog once a week instead of everyday. She's having troubles with her computer and her teeth. We have to stay here a little longer coz her teeth need more fixing. That's okay, I got to meet some more dogs and got to chase some more squirrels.

Here is a picture of Toby and I cornering a squirrel up a tree...poor thing...wish I could climb trees!

Boy, did we get into trouble the other night. One of my masters had baked a chocolate cake and had one piece left. They put it on the table and left to visit friends (Logan and Darby's' masters). Well, you know how us dogs feel about cake.....Toby stretched and took the plate right off the table. He was nice enough to share it with the rest of us! Our masters were worried about the chocolate part, but it was such a small piece for all three of us.

Met a new dog the other day, her name is Amber and she is soooo shy.

On a sad note, its getting that time where most of my friends are leaving the RV park and going home or to other locations. Today, Toby's very dear friend Bitsy is leaving and going back to Iowa. Later this month Brandy will be leaving.

We will be leaving at the end of this month too. Kind of excited to go back up to cold country...except it won't be as cold. We get to visit with Marg's mommy and daddy (I call them grandma and grandpa) , her siblings and their little ones (love kissing them) and with some of our oldest friends .
We are going to stay at our Nebraska friends house for awhile, and I will get to play in a fenced yard....where I can run and run. I really do miss the chance to run.
Well, enough for now.....later....Tuck

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Hi y'all...this has been a very weird and busy time for my master, so she didn't want to write for me. She didn't feel very well for a couple of days coz she had to go get her teeth fixed. She does not like dentists...I think that maybe she should chew on some of our teething toys..or maybe a chew bone or two. Then, her computer got sick and had to go to the hospital for awhile. She just got it back today.

The weather has been warmer, which makes those pesky squirrels come out in groves. They are teasing me and my brother and sister. They sit on the tree branch right out the window and swish their tail! My master isn't happy with them either, coz they are eating her plants.

They are everywhere, chasing each other across the RV roof and around and under everything. My master won't let me chase them!! (not sure what I'd do if I caught them anyway).

My masters have a sick sense of humor. They said that the sweater was for my own good....but I DON'T THINK SO! I cannot move an inch when they put this on me. I think I'd rather be cold.
We went to the beach yesterday and had lots of fun running up and down the shore, chasing sandpipers and seagulls. We got all wet and sandy.
My master bought a kite, the kind that you can make it do
loops and all...except she can't---yet.
Today we just drove around, going to the park and down to the piers. We couldn't go to our favorite park coz they're getting ready to have a festival. Something about oysters or something.
Anyway, I will try to keep up with my blog (I'll keep my masters happy and healthy so they can type)
The last picture is me having a great time with my head out the window. My master will only let me stick my head out when we are going slow.
Will chat with y'all later...Tuck

Monday, February 22, 2010

Oh my tummy

My master wasn't feeling too well yesterday, so we didn't do too much except for short walks with my other master. I got a little bored last night and got into some trouble. My masters usually remember to hang up their jeans when they change clothes, but one of them forgot and I found the jeans on the floor. I was rewarded with some tasty treats in the pockets! The only problem, had to chew through the pocket, so I got treats and some cloth. It sort of upset my tummy this morning. My masters were not too happy with me. Hopefully, today will be a better day for some long walks and maybe some visits with friends.

I will try and write some more later today..especially if we do something fun.


Friday, February 19, 2010


Well, it 's raining again. That means my master won't be taking us out for a long walk, like yesterday. It was great yesterday. I walked with Bevo around the park and stopped to chat with some of my friends. I introduced Bevo, since she doesn't get out too much to walk. My brother went out with Bevo too..I think my master walked along time yesterday. Earlier in the day, on our morning walk, a bunch of us stopped to talk...right there in the road. There were about 5 of us just standing around checking each other out...if you get my meaning. Lots of stories were told.

Pulled a trick on my master the other day, but I don't think she was none too pleased. While out to do my duty, knowing that my master would have to pick up after me, I found this great big prickly weed that I just stepped over and squatted. The look on my masters' face was worth the scolding I got.

One of my masters' friends asked why only I had a blog and not my sister and brother too....well, Luxi is too much the princess and Toby only cares about food. (especially since he's been on a diet, which is coming along very well.)

I realized that I had not shown a picture of Darby and Logan, so I included them in today's post.

There are a couple of other neighbors that I have not posted yet...Scooter, Sam, Maddie and some others, so maybe I'll try and get pics today.

Well, I guess I'll have to trudge into the wet, muddy abyss today, if I want to get my job done...maybe I can find another prickly bush? Chat with y'all later..Tuck

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Well, I guess I have found my downfall in life. I never would have thought it, but yesterday I found out that I can't stand piers and wharfs. My masters took us to a park yesterday to do some running, this is after watching a fat Tuesday parade. While walking around, my master took me up some stairs and bam, there was the water...all around. I crouched down, coz I though I might fall into the water, and wouldn't take another step. My master pulled on my leash, but noooooooo way was I going to walk on that pier any more. My master had to pick me up and carry me off the pier. After that, I was fine...we even stayed late to watch a big boat go past us in the channel.

Day before, went walking around our resort and stopped to chat with some more friends. My master enjoys talking to people about books, kayaking and birding. I much rather sniff the ground and find out what type of animal crossed someones' lawn lately. Or even better, chase a squirrel up trees.

My master took some pics the other day of our next door neighbors and of Bevo, the spaniel across the way. The next door neighbor is a 9-10 month old Labradoodle, who has springs in her legs and loves to jump up to give you kisses. Her name is Brandi and she is one live wire.

The other picture is of Bevo, a nine year old spaniel. She is so gentle and quiet, never sure she is there unless her masters go away to work, then she will sit at the window and 'Sing'. My master goes over there sometimes to let her out to go to the bathroom and just to say Hi.

Will chat with y'all later....Tuck

Monday, February 15, 2010

Visiting friends

I took walks with my master yesterday and visited some friends from down the way. Other than that, I didn't go any where or do anything coz my masters thought they should do something without us. So they gave us some treats and put us in our little 'condos' for the afternoon.

While out walking, got to see Muttso (real name Bitsy) the Pug. I think she is really cute. We get along real well and like to chat. She reminds me of that dog in the movie 'Men in black'. My master and her master also chatted, something about sea shells or whatever. Coming back from that morning walk, we also stopped and chatted with our Canadian friends, Lucky and Callie. I always thought that Callie was a Pomeranian, but found out she is a MI'KI (sounds like MeeKee).
Lucky is a black mix (I think Cockerspaniel and poodle). They are very friendly and lively.

Didn't get to meet any neighbors in the afternoon, my master didn't want to "dilly-dally" coz the mosquitoes were really bad and she wanted to get back inside.

Boy, the wind came up last night and scared us. We all started howling and our masters had to calm us down. Sure didn't like that wind and rain. The picures are of our friends we saw yesterday. See ya later...Tuck

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Good Day

Today was a good day...my masters took us for a ride along the water and let us run in the park. We saw a bunch of other dogs walking with their masters and one black cat...that had to be shooed away with a honk of the horn..goes to prove that cats are dumb...walking on the road without their masters!

The roads are still abit muddy, but I didn't have to get a shower this time.

We went for a car ride to Lamar, where there was a carnival going on. We watched a bunch of humans walking around with these pretty necklaces on. I saw a couple of dogs and barked HI. On we went to drive along the water. There we saw a bunch of different kinds of birds. Not sure why, but my masters got really excited seeing these white birds. They look like big sea gulls to me.

We followed this pretty little collie walking on the road for awhile in the car. Her master didn't want to get off the road for us, so my master had to drive around her. Pretty cute collie!!
We got home, went for another walk around the resort then got our supper..goodie night!!
All that fresh air was great, our masters let us stick our heads out the window when they were driving slow..wish they would drive slow all the time! The pictures are of me and my brother and sister in Lamar
My masters are getting treats out for us now, called footballs. They put biscuits and soft treats in them to keep us busy chewing....most favorite time of the day!!!! See ya tomorrow!